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Financing and Leasing
Financial Lease
Operational Lease
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View our extensive range of Mercedes-Benz hearse below and schedule an appointment with one of our advisors.
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Can't quite figure it out? We are happy to help you
At Derks Funeral Mobility you will find everything under one roof. Derks Funeral Mobility (The Hearse & Limo Company) offers all services in the field of funeral transport. Think of adjustments, maintenance and insurance. With our funeral vehicles you offer relatives a farewell in style.
Bij ons heeft u de keuze om een Mercedes-Benz rouwwagen te kopen, financieren of leasen. U kiest voor kopen wanneer u het voertuig in een keer wilt betalen, waardoor het rouwvoertuig van u is. Bij deze aanschafvorm bent u verantwoordelijk voor tal van zaken, zoals verzekeringen, belastingen en onderhoud. Derks Uitvaartmobiliteit heeft alles in eigen huis, waardoor wij u ook daarmee van dienst kunnen zijn.
With us you have the choice to buy, finance or lease a Mercedes-Benz hearse. You choose Financial Lease if you want to be the economic owner of the Mercedes-Benz hearse. As a result, you enjoy tax advantages. With this lease form, you are responsible for many things, such as financing, insurance, taxes and maintenance.
With us you have the choice to buy, finance or lease a Mercedes-Benz hearse. You choose Operational Lease when you want to be unburdened as much as possible. With Operational Lease you have a Mercedes-Benz hearse that is not yours, but that you can fully dispose of. You do not (or very limited) have to deal with the matters that belong to insuring and maintaining a vehicle.